À propos de nous

Devenir membre

Your membership will serve to support the Canadian Biogas Association continuing work in unifying, strengthening, and actively promoting development of the biogas & RNG industry in Canada. We welcome individuals, companies, and like-minded organizations that bring forward expertise and vested interests that align with helping to grow the biogas & RNG sector.

Member Fees

Category   Annual Fee*  
Large Business >1,000 employees   $5,000  
Medium business >5 employees
or Public Sector >500,000 population
Small Business <5 employees
or Public Sector <500,000 population 
or Indigenous peoples and groups

* Plus applicable taxes

Membership payment is due in full upon receipt of the invoice. Fees cover an annual membership for 12 months from the date of joining. Payment can be made by cheque payable to the Canadian Biogas Association in Canadian currency, wire transfer, e-transfer, or credit card.

How to Join

Online Application Form