News and Events

CBA and Members Well-Received on First Hill Day in Ottawa

June 28, 2023

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The Canadian Biogas Association (CBA) and some of our members were on Parliament Hill in early June for two days of engagement with government officials, MPs, Ministers’ offices, and Senators. The busy schedule included meetings and an evening reception, with remarks delivered by Executive Director Jennifer Green.

The days’ meetings were productive, building on the CBA’s ongoing government engagement as the group advocated for innovative solutions to the issues facing the entire Canadian biogas & RNG value chain – from feedstock producers to end users. These two days on Parliament Hill also presented an opportunity for CBA board members to share their expertise at the federal level and learn more about what needs to be done to bring awareness to the biogas & RNG industry.

At the evening reception, CBA members and government decision-makers came together to continue these important conversations. More than 90 people attended, from long-time CBA members to government officials, in a demonstration of just how important and dynamic the industry is – and its potential to play a vital role in the future of Canada’s clean energy legislation.

“This first CBA Hill Day showcased the value of the industry and the drive of the CBA’s membership,” says Green. “We look forward to building on these constructive meetings as we continue to push for the implementation of biogas & RNG solutions.”

The CBA’s engagement on these core issues does not stop with the Hill Day. There is lots of work to be done in the coming weeks and months as the CBA continues to champion biogas & RNG, including Investment Tax Credit eligibility and the development of a Clean Gas Standard.

This momentum will carry through the summer as the Canadian Biogas Association works on behalf of its members to raise the awareness for biogas & RNG. Thank you to everyone who joined us and made the event such a success!