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Biogas Insights - 2021

November 18, 2021

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Canada can beat its new methane goals with biogas and RNG

While we continue to dissect the results of the UN’s 26th climate summit, there is one issue on which everyone agrees critical progress has been made: methane emissions.

September 24, 2021

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Post-election 2021

Five ways that Biogas and RNG can support the new federal government’s goals

After six weeks of examining the differences among Canada’s major federal parties, let’s take a moment to appreciate a major point of consensus: the need for more clean energy to drive towards increasingly ambitious climate goals.

April 30, 2021

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Budget 2021 Boosts the Role of Biogas in Canada’s Economic Recovery

On April 19, the federal government tabled its budget for 2021. Being the first federal budget since the COVID pandemic began, it’s been styled as the “recovery” budget, proposing targeted spending to stimulate the economy, create jobs and drive a durable recovery.

Biogas will be an important part of this recovery.

Modelling shows that biogas projects can generate good jobs and strong economic activity across Canada, including in both rural and urban regions, and including in some of the regions hit hardest by the pandemic.

April 09, 2021

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Biogas could cut global emissions 10 per cent by 2030

Biogas could be the difference between meeting the world’s 2030 climate targets and missing them. That’s according to a new report from the World Biogas Association, which says biogas could cut climate pollution by a staggering 10 per cent globally by 2030.

February 10, 2021

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Every scenario in Canada’s net-zero future involves biogas and RNG

Last year the Government of Canada joined more than 100 countries in pledging to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

On February 8, the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices, an independent climate advisory body, released its long-awaited report on how Canada can fulfill that commitment. Using extensive modeling, the report details no fewer than 62 pathways for Canada to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, with each pathway using different combinations of technologies and abatement opportunities.

Biogas and Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) are called upon in every single pathway. In other words, there is no scenario in which biogas and RNG will not be part of Canada’s net-zero future.