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Canada, Quebec fund Énercycle organic waste recovery centre

Quebec-based waste manager Énercycle, formerly the Régie de gestion des matières résiduelles de la Mauricie, will have $26 million in government funding to develop its organic waste recovery centre.
Canada and Quebec governments have jointly announced $26.4 million in funding for the Énercycle project, which will divert approximately 35,000 tonnes of organic matter from disposal — equivalent to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 3,286 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.

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Making Biogas Happen – Unlocking the Global Potential of Biogas

Help Make Biogas Happen! The World Biogas Association is hosting 10 virtual workshops in September as part of the #MakeBiogasHappen program. This initiative is working to accelerate the adoption and implementation of biogas solutions worldwide. Participants will play a role in influencing policy, driving market growth, advocating for funding, and networking with the industry. Register today to share your anaerobic digestion and biogas expertise If members do participate, CBA would appreciate being updated on your experience in the sessions and what input was provided.

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Comments to the New Federal Landfill Methane Regulation Consultation

The CBA submitted comments to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) consultation on the proposed Regulations Respecting the Reduction in the Release of Methane (Waste Sector). This regulation would apply to certain privately and municipally owned landfills that have received municipal solid waste. The proposed Regulations aim to reduce methane emissions from Canadian landfills by about 50 per cent by 2030 (from 2019 levels). CBA’s submission focused on extending eligibility for landfills to create offset credits, funding opportunities, technical monitoring requirements, and supporting the circular economy. The submission is available to CBA members.

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Biogas Insights

What We Have Learned from the CFR Credit Market Report

ECCC released the long-awaited Clean Fuel Regulations credit market report on June 26th. What have we learned about the role biogas & RNG are playing in the federal Clean Fuel Regulations (CFR)?

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