
Canadian Digestate Management Guide

Biogas & RNG is often the focus of biogas plant operations as it can be monetized and sold to different markets. However, digestate is also a valuable output as an organic fertilizer or soil amendment and provides many soil benefits over manure and mineral fertilizers.

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The Canadian Digestate Management Guide summarizes best management practices appropriate in a Canadian context, developed with input directly from stakeholders and subject matter experts. It is the intention of this Guide to provide practical and useful information for maximizing the benefits of the safe use of digestate products.

The Guide will inform readers about:

  • How digestate is produced
  • Key digestate characteristics
  • Best management practices for using digestate
  • Nutrient stewardship principles for digestate

The CBA has published a supplementary resource, Digestate Nutrient Reuse and Recovery Technology Summary. As nutrient reuse and recovery technologies (NRRT) gain wider use in jurisdictions with pressing nutrient management challenges, this report provides a summary of NRRTs and important considerations for implementing these technologies.

A graphic explaining the plant nutrient cycle