In Fall 2020, the Canadian Biogas Association presented Building Biogas Better - a webinar series centered around the development of biogas projects and plants in Canada. This three-part series covered key topics affecting the biogas/RNG industry and encouraged participant engagement with the over 100 peers and industry representatives registered for the series.
In Fall 2020, the Canadian Biogas Association presented Building Biogas Better - a webinar series centered around the development of biogas projects and plants in Canada. This three-part series covered key topics affecting the biogas/RNG industry and encouraged participant engagement with the over 100 peers and industry representatives registered for the series.
Session One, Canadian Policy Landscape, featured leading experts from FortisBC, Enbridge, and Énergir, who shared insights on the current state of biogas/RNG policy in Canada and their view on policy development in British Columbia, Ontario and Québec. Attendees learned about the growing demand for biogas, how current policy developments are changing the biogas industry, and what is needed for a stable and growing sector.
Session Two, Financing Your Biogas Project, included presenters from EPCOR, City of Toronto, Inlandsis Fund, and The Atmospheric Fund providing their perspective and expertise on the lending process in biogas project development. Securing financing and understanding the lending process is a critical and often arduous component of biogas development. Project complications related to lending, how to effectively structure deals, working with lenders (both private and public) were discussed to help developers build strategies for successfully financing their biogas project.
Session Three, Offtake Options and Project Considerations, hosted industry experts from Bluesource, Continual Markets, and StormFisher Ltd. who shared their insights and advice for accessing markets and getting biogas projects connected to the grid. It is important to understand the offtake options, and different paths biogas projects can take and the pros and cons of each option, and how to enter into an offtake agreement. Speakers covered the basics of brokering a deal, how to prepare letters of intent and navigate the approval process, as well as other considerations such as understanding carbon intensity and what you need to know before starting a project.